郭斐,武汉大学测绘学院,教授,博导,入选第五批国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才项目。2013年获武汉大学博士学位,2014-2015年在澳大利亚新南威尔士大学(UNSW)做访问博士后,目前主要从事卫星导航定位技术及其应用方面的教学和科研工作。近年来主持国家自然科学基金等各类纵横向课题10余项,参与国家重点研发计划课题2项、中国第二代卫星导航系统重大专项课题1项、湖北省技术创新专项重大项目1项。在Journal of Geodesy、GPS Solutions等本学科领域国际权威期刊上发表SCI论文30余篇,其中1篇入选ESI地球科学领域高被引论文,2篇获中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文。获湖北省优秀博士学位论文、卫星导航定位科技进步特等奖、湖北省自然科学一等奖、测绘科技进步一等奖等奖励。兼任《全球定位系统》杂志编委、国际大地测量协会“多GNSS偏差处理”工作组成员。
2020/12–至今, 武汉大学测绘学院,教授
Journal of Geodesy, GPS Solutions,《地球物理学报》等十余本刊物,审稿人
湖北省自然科学一等奖:北斗GNSS广域实时厘米级导航定位理论与方法(第3), 2020
Personal Details
Family Name: GUO
Given Name: FEI
Contact Address: School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University, 129 Luoyu Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan, China
Tel: 86-27-68778189
E-mal: fguo@sgg.whu.edu.cn
Ph.D. (2009-2013): School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University, PRC.
M. Sc. (2007-2009): School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University, PRC.
B. Sc. (2003-2007): School of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, PRC.
November 2016– present: Associate Professor, School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University, China
July 2013 – October 2016: Lecture, School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University, China
April 2014- December 2015: Visiting Post doctor, University of New South Wales, Australia.
Research Projects
National Natural Science Foundation of China (2018-2021), “Parameterization method and precise estimation of multi-frequency and multi-GNSS generalized code bias” (PI)
National Natural Science Foundation of China (2015-2017), “Receiver clock modeling for precise point positioning using high-stability ground clocks and its application in geoscience” ( PI)
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2014-2016), “Research on multi-frequency GPS/BeiDou precise point positioning” ( PI)
National Natural Science Foundation of China (2011-2013), “Key Issues of Real Time Ambiguity Resolution for Zero-difference Precise Point Positioning”, (Participant)
National key research and development plan (2016-2020), “Collaborative precise positioning (precision multi-source co-location technology for indoor and outdoor users)”, (Participant)
National key research and development plan (2017-2021), “CAT III Precision approach and landing of satellite navigation technology(Ground Based Augmentation System)”, (Participant)
Fei Guo. Theory and methodology of quality control and quality analysis for GPS precise point positioning, Wuhan University Press, May 2016
Selected Journal Papers (SCI)
Wanke Liu, Jianlong Li, Qi Zeng, Fei Guo*, Renpan Wu, Xiaohong Zhang. An improved robust Kalman filtering strategy for GNSS kinematic positioning considering small cycle slips. Advances in Space Research, In Press, Available online 8 December 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2017.11.041
Lin Pan, Xiaohong Zhang*, Xingxing Li, Jingnan Liu, Fei Guo, Yongqiang Yuan. GPS inter-frequency clock bias modeling and prediction for real-time precise point positioning. GPS Solutions, (2018) 22: 76. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10291-018-0741-y
Lin Pan, Xiaohong Zhang, Fei Guo, Jingnan Liu. GPS inter-frequency clock bias estimation for both uncombined and ionospheric-free combined triple-frequency precise point positioning. Journal of Geodesy, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-018-1176-5
Lin Pan, Fei Guo*, Fujian Ma. An Improved BDS Satellite-Induced Code Bias Correction Model Considering the Consistency of Multipath Combinations. Remote Sensing. 2018; 10(8):1189.
Siqi Yu, Fei Guo*, Xiaohong Zhang, Wanke Liu, Xin Li, Renpan Wu. A New Method for GNSS Multipath Mitigation with an Adaptive Frequency Domain Filter. Sensors. 2018; 18(8):2514.
Xinghan Chen, Cuixian Lu*, Bofeng Guo, Fei Guo, Maorong Ge, Xingxing Li, Harald Schuh. GPS/GLONASS Combined Precise Point Positioning With the Modeling of Highly Stable Receiver Clock in the Application of Monitoring Active Seismic Deformation.Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2018, 123(5): 4025-4040
Fei Guo*, Xingxing Li, Xiaohong Zhang, Jinling Wang. The contribution of Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) to precise point positioning. Advances in Space Research, 2017, 59(11):2714-2725
Fei Guo, Xingxing Li*, Xiaohong Zhang, Jinling Wang. Assessment of precise orbit and clock products for Galileo, BeiDou, and QZSS from IGS Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX). GPS Solutions, 2017, 21(1):279-290
Pan Li, Xiaohong Zhang*, Fei Guo. Ambiguity resolved precise point positioning with GPS and BeiDou. Journal of Geodesy, 2017, 91(1):25-40
Fei Guo, Xiaohong Zhang*, Jinling Wang, Xiaodong Ren. Modeling and assessment of triple-frequency BDS precise point positioning. Journal of Geodesy, 2016, 90(11):1223-1235
Fei Guo, Xin Li, Wanke Liu*. Mitigating BeiDou Satellite-Induced Code Bias: Taking into Account the Stochastic Model of Corrections. Sensors, 2016, 16(6):909
Jiazhu Zheng, Fei Guo*. An adaptive stochastic model for GPS observations and its performance in precise point positioning.Survey Review, 2016, 48(349):296-302
Fei Guo, Xiaohong Zhang*, Jinling Wang. Timing group delay and differential code bias corrections for BeiDou positioning. Journal of Geodesy, 2015, 89(5):427-445
Fei Guo*, Xiaohong Zhang, Fuhong Wang. Performance enhancement for GPS positioning using constrained Kalman filtering.Measurement Science and Technology, 2015, 26(8):085020
Fuhong Wang, Xinghan Chen*, Fei Guo*. GPS/GLONASS Combined Precise Point Positioning with Receiver Clock Modeling.Sensors, 2015, 15(7):15478-15493
Fei Guo, Xiaohong Zhang*. Real-time Clock Jump Compensation for Precise Point Positioning. GPS Solutions, 2014, 18 (1):41-50
Fei Guo*,Xiaohong Zhang, Adaptive Robust Kalman Filtering for Precise Point Positioning. Measurement Science and Technology, 2014, 25(10):105011
Xiaohong Zhang*,Fei Guo,Peiyuan Zhou. Improved precise point positioning in the presence of ionospheric scintillation. GPS Solutions, 2014, 18 (1):51-60
Xingxing Li, Xiaohong Zhang*, Fei Guo. Predicting Atmospheric Delays for Rapid Ambiguity Resolution in Precise Point Positioning. Advances in Space Research, 54 (5):840-850
Xiaohong Zhang*, Bofeng Guo, Fei Guo, Conghui Du. Influence of clock jump on the velocity and acceleration estimation with a single GPS receiver based on carrier-phase-derived Doppler. GPS Solutions, 2013, 17(4):549-559
Xiaohong Zhang*,Pan Li, Fei Guo. Ambiguity Resolution in Precise Point Positioning with Hourly Data for Global Single Receiver. Advances in Space Research, 2013, 51(1):153-161
Xiaohong Zhang*, Fei Guo, Xingxing Li. A novel Stop&Go GPS precise point positioning (PPP) method and its application in geophysical exploration and prospecting. Survey Review, 2012, 44(327):251-255
Xiaohong Zhang*, Xingxing Li, Fei Guo. Satellite Clock Estimation at 1 Hz for Realtime Kinematic PPP applications. GPS Solutions, 2011, 15(4):315-324
International Conference Reports (Oral presentation)
Guo, Xiaohong Zhang. Real-time Clock Jump Detection and Repair for Precise Point Positioning. ION GNSS 2012, September 17-21, Nashville, TN, USA
Fei Guo , Xiaohong Zhang., Xingxing Li (2013). Adaptive robust Kalman filter for kinematic Precise Point Positioning. IAG Scientific Assembly, 2013, September 1-6, Potsdam, Germany
Fei Guo, Xiaohong Zhang, Xingxing Li et al. Availability of GLONASS and its Contribution to Precise Point Positioning. CPGPS 2010 Technical Forum on Satellite Navigation and Positioning, August 17-20, Shanghai, China
Fei Guo, Xingxing Li, Xiaohong Zhang, Jinling Wang. Evaluation on the Multi-GNSS Precise Orbit and Clock Products. IGNSS 2015 symposium, July 14-16, Gold Coast, Australia
Fei Guo. Generalized Code Bias for Multi-frequency and Multi-GNSS. CPGPS 2017 Forum on Cooperative Positioning and Service, May 19-21, Harbin, China
Fei Guo, Xiaohong Zhang. Precise Point Positioning and Its Application in Geoscience. Second Workshop of DAAD Thematic Network “Modern Geodetic Space Techniques for Global Change Monitoring”, 23-28 July 2018, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Zhang Zhiyu, Guo Fei, Zhang Xiaohong. Impact of Higher-order ionospheric delays on tropospheric delay estimates with GPS data. 2018 CPGPS Forum “Opportunities and Challenges of Modern Satellite Navigation”, 13-15 July 2018, Chang’an University, Xi’an, China
Wu Weiwang, Guo Fei, Zhang Xiaohong. Analysis of Galileo signal-in-space range error and positioning performance since 2015.2018 CPGPS Forum “Opportunities and Challenges of Modern Satellite Navigation”, 13-15 July 2018, Chang’an University, Xi’an, China
Academic Services
International Association of Geodesy (IAG), WG4.4.1 “Biases in Multi-GNSS data processing”, Member
The 9th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT 2015), Session “GNSS Positioning”, Co-chair
Reviewer of more than ten journals, such as Journal of Geodesy, GPS Solutions, Remote Sensing, Journal of Navigation, Advances in Space Research, etc.
351 Talent Program of Wuhan University (Luojia Young Scholar, 2016)
Best PhD dissertation award in Hubei Province (2014)
International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program, PRC (2013)
Top Ten Postgraduate Academic Stars of Wuhan University (2013)
Excellent Graduate Award, Wuhan university (2013)
First Prize of Survey and Mapping Progress Prize in Science and Technology, PRC (2012)
First Prize of Wang Zhizhuo Innovation Talent Award (2011)